Face Piercings

Welcome to Emily Edwards Face Piercings in High Wycombe, where precision meets personal style.

At Emily Edwards, we bring simplicity and expertise to facial piercings in High Wycombe, ensuring you find the perfect balance between individuality and precision. Discover the possibilities and redefine your style with Emily Edwards Face Piercings.


Nose, Lip & Tongue

Discover facial piercings at Emily Edwards, where individuality meets precision. Nose, lip, and tongue piercings are not just adornments but expressions of personal style.

Nose piercings offer a timeless and versatile form of self-expression, adding a subtle yet stylish touch to your appearance. Whether opting for a classic nostril piercing or a septum adornment, nose piercings provide a chic edge to your look. With various jewelry options such as studs and rings, you can effortlessly switch up your style to suit different occasions.

Lip piercings bring a bold and contemporary flair to your facial aesthetic, accentuating your smile and allowing for a range of jewelry choices. From Monroe piercings to labrets, the options cater to diverse tastes, offering versatility for a look that's uniquely you.

Tongue piercings add an element of intrigue and individuality. Beyond the aesthetic appeal, they can provide a subtle boost of confidence. The jewelry options for tongue piercings range from barbells to captive bead rings, allowing you to customize your look.

The Process

Appointment preparation

The piercing itself

Aftercare for your piercing

Healing times

Appointment preparation

The preparation process begins with a consultation to discuss your preferences, style, and any concerns you may have. Before the piercing session, we provide thorough guidance on aftercare to ensure a smooth healing process.

If possible, refrain from consuming blood-thinning substances like alcohol or aspirin in the hours leading up to your appointment. This can help minimize potential bleeding during and after the piercing.

Our meticulous preparation involves maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and safety. Emily Edwards follows stringent sterilisation protocols, utilising state-of-the-art equipment to ensure a clean and safe environment.

The piercing itself

After deciding what you are looking for, I carefully mark the precise placement for your piercing. I take the time to ensure symmetry and alignment, paying close attention to the details that matter most to you.

With everything in place, I uses a gentle and precise needle based technique to ensure minimal discomfort. The piercing process is swift, and I am trained to make the experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Aftercare for your piercing

Congratulations on your new piercing from Emily Edwards! To ensure a speedy and complication-free healing process, you can find our simple guide to aftercare by clicking the button below.

Piercing Aftercare Guide

Remember, if you have any concerns or questions about your piercing's healing process, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to support you on your journey to stylish and well-cared-for piercings!

Healing times

Understanding the healing times for your new piercings is essential for a smooth and comfortable experience.

It's important to note that individual healing times may vary based on factors such as personal health, aftercare practices, and lifestyle. Throughout the healing process, continue with the aftercare routine provided by Emily Edwards and avoid changing jewelry prematurely. If you have any concerns or notice unusual symptoms during the healing period, don't hesitate to reach out for guidance. Your patience and diligence will be rewarded with beautifully healed piercings that showcase your unique style.


Step into a world of lasting beauty with our semi-permanent makeup and curated piercings. Your unique style awaits. Visit our Treatment Pricing page for a sneak peek into the affordable elegance that awaits you.

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How much does it hurt to get an ear piercing with a needle?

Getting an ear piercing with a needle typically involves a brief, sharp pain that varies among individuals. Factors such as pain tolerance, piercing location, and the piercer's skill can influence the level of discomfort. The entire process is quick, lasting only a few seconds. Communication with your piercer and maintaining a positive mindset can help ease any concerns about pain.

How long does it take for an ear piercing to heal?

The healing time for an ear piercing with a needle can vary depending on several factors, including the location of the piercing and individual healing abilities. Here are general guidelines for common ear piercings:

Earlobe Piercing:
Healing Time: Approximately 6 to 8 weeks.
Note: Lobe piercings tend to heal faster than cartilage piercings.

Cartilage Piercings (Helix, Tragus, Conch, Daith):
Healing Time: On average, 3 to 12 months.
Note: Cartilage piercings may have a longer healing period due to the reduced blood flow to cartilage tissue.

When can I change my earrings after getting pierced?

The time you have to wait before changing your threadless jewellery, like any other piercing jewellery, depends on the type of piercing and how well it's healing.

You should wait until the piercing is fully healed. If the jewellery is changed sooner this can prolong the healing process and also increase the risk of complications. 

Can I sleep on my newly pierced ear?

Try to avoid putting direct pressure on the fresh piercing, especially if it's on the side you sleep on.

Try to use a ring pillow if you must sleep on that specific side.

Can I swim with a new ear piercing?

Please avoid swimming for the first 2 weeks to give the outer skin time to heal over. If you must swim in a pool before the two-week mark, consider using a waterproof bandage or sealant to cover the piercing and protect it from the chlorine.

What jewellery will I be pierced with?

We only pierce with Implant Grade Titanium as this is the safest most hypoallergenic material.  Our titanium can come in any colour, including silver, gold, rose gold and black. Just let us know your preference. The best part is we use threadless bars, which are not only much more comfortable than standard butterfly backs, the stud attachment can be changed with a large range of stunning attachments.

Can I be pierced with my own jewellery?

We can only pierce with jewellery that we know is 100% safe, this means it has to be sourced with us as our suppliers have the manufacturing documentation.  We are able to source a large range of stunning jewellery, so if you have something in mind then please contact us with a picture and we can let you know if we can source it.

How many piercings can I have at once?

We provide a variety of piercing options, including getting multiple piercings. There are advantages and disadvantages to having multiple piercings. For instance, opting for several piercings simultaneously, particularly helix piercings, means they are likely to heal simultaneously, as opposed to the potential prolonged healing process if done individually over the course of years. On the downside, it may be uncomfortable to sleep on both sides, and the healing period might be extended because avoiding sleeping on them could be challenging. It is advisable to consider getting multiple piercings on one side at a time for a more manageable healing process.

Do you have any age restrictions?

Yes, I am fully licenced and insured therefore follow the councils and insurers guidelines, which state that you must be aged 16+ to get pierced.

If you are under 16, you must have a parent or guardians permission. Below are the ages you can get pierced with such permission:

Ear Lobes – 4 years
Ear Cartilage – 8 years
Nose – 13 years​​​​​​​
Lips -14 years​​​​​​​
Belly Button - 14 years

Will I need to bring ID?

Yes, if you look under 25 then ID will be required.

If parent permission is required then a Legal ID for both the child and parent is needed, which must match.

What can I expect while the piercing is healing?

Much like any wound, a majority of individuals will encounter various symptoms during the healing process of a fresh piercing. These may include:

  • Minor bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Itching
  • Bruising
  • Soreness
  • Formation of crusties around the piercing site

Throughout the initial stages of healing, it's typical to experience itching, the discharge of a whitish-yellow fluid resulting in crust formation on the jewellery, along with dryness and redness around the piercing, this can continue to happen up to a year or until the piercing is fully helaed. These symptoms are frequently misconstrued as signs of infection. If you have any concerns, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Can I have a piercings whilst pregnant or breastfeeding?

It is advised to avoid getting pierced during pregnancy due to the minimal but existing risk of infection. This risk is not worth taking for both your well-being and your baby's health.

It is recommended to wait until at least 3-6 months postpartum or until breastfeeding is no longer the primary source of nutrition for baby, and they have started consuming solid food. This precaution is because the body undergoes significant recovery post-pregnancy and childbirth, and producing milk places a substantial demand on the body.

How much do ear piercings cost?

Treatment prices are relatively cheap ranging from anywhere from £20-50.

Piercing jewellery costs anything from a few pounds up to hundreds of pounds for high end solid gold ones. We include a choice of high quality titanium piercings  (the safest material for new piercings) in our pricing to suit your style.

What parts of my face do you pierce?

We can pierce your ears, nose, lips, eyebrows and tongue at this time. We look to do more in the future.

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Book a Piercing

Elevate your beauty game effortlessly – Book Now for anything from lobe piercings to curated cartilage arrangements. Your perfect look starts with a consultation – seize the moment and redefine your beauty effortlessly!

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